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Arrival Assurance™

Did you know that Hotel Direct staff personally double-check your booking with the hotel 48 hours prior to your arrival and email you a second confirmation. This provides 100% assurance that the hotel is awaiting your arrival and that everything is in order.

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What are customers saying about Hotel Direct?

Excellent service

Excellent service kept us informed at all times will definitely book through hotel direct again.

Everything went smoothly

Efficient service. Even confirmed with hotel the day before the stay. Would use again

So Helpful

As a wheelchair user I need an accessible room with an accessible shower. Hotel Direct were very helpful by contacting several hotels to ensure that my needs could be met. Overall, the booking of our hotel for 4 days in Rome was a very reassuring experience and at all times very professionally and pleasantly completed by Hotel Direct staff, A rare experience these days.

We had a great weekend

Had a great weekend, everything went very smoothly.


Quick straight forward & when I spoke with staff they were very friendly & quickly resolved issues

Excellent service

This was a fantastic service that kept me notified the whole time and made the process quick and easy.

Gran Canaria hotels

Featured hotels in Gran Canaria

H10 Playa Meloneras

H10 Playa Meloneras

fr £123per room
£123 fr £110per room

C/Mar Caspio, 5, Playa Meloneras, Gran Canaria, 35100

Hotel Highlights: Swimming Pool, Spa, Gym, Wi-Fi, Restaurant, Bar, Car Parking, Family hotel, Near beach, Air-conditioning, Pets allowed, Disabled facilities

Located in southern Gran Canaria, the H10 Playa Meloneras Palace is just a hundred metres from Meloneras beach. More info

Hotel Direct has selected the best hotels in Gran Canaria and offers them at the lowest prices available anywhere, guaranteed. Our selection of hotels covers off the most popular areas in Gran Canaria. Travelling on a budget? Check out our Cheap hotels in Gran Canaria. For a little more luxury but still at a reasonable price, see our 4 star hotels in Gran Canaria. Book online or for the same unbeatable prices plus advice tailored to your hotel needs, call 0800 633 8000. Lines are open 7 days a week and always answered by our UK customer service centre. Calls are FREE from UK landlines. Whenever you need a hotel, go direct to the best hotel deals with Hotel Direct!

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Only Hotel Direct has a 5-star customer rating!*

(* Hotel Direct is the only hotel booking company with a full 5-star
customer review rating on Google, the Review Centre and TrustPilot).

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